Here are a couple pictures I snapped during my 18 mile training walk, which brought me through the Sea Cliff area of San Francisco. This is one of the toughest training route Ive done, mainly because all the hills. It’s also one of the most beautiful.

(A view of The Golden Gate Bridge from the other side)

(Boy…. that’s a long walk, but Oh- So worth it! )

(Here’s the route I walked shown on my Garmin)

Phatgirlwalking (Anita) is doing the same walk later this week. I can’t wait to read her post.(She’ll probably kill me for recommending it to her.)

All things considered, I feel pretty good after this long ass walk, though my feet are rather sore.
Oh yeah…. and I tripped over my own foot and fell flat on my face while while coming down off a steep decent and trying to take a picture at the same time. ( I won’t show you the road burn on my chin).

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5 thoughts on “18 down, 8.2 to go

  1. Anita says:

    You did it!!! Do you realize you’re actually going to join the 1% of the population??!! Steve, I’m so happy for you! I’m doing the happy dance in your honor!
    (So talk to me about the hills my man…leave no surprises for me!)

  2. Anita says:

    Whoa…I just noticed 15:28 mpm average…that’s fantastic Steve!

  3. Arcaner says:

    Looking good! That’s a pretty good pace for a walker!

  4. Brooklyn says:

    good going! keep on trucking. you keep getting these long walks done, and the marathon will be cake.

  5. runliarun says:

    I thought the feet were the one part of your body you never had problems with :).

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