I had planned to write a post about my nebulizer treatment routine, but then I thought what the heck… I’ll just video it!

The point Im trying to make in the clip, is that the daily nebbing routine for many of us is a lot more time consuming than one would think. Managing asthma, COPD, CF or any severe lung condition can become a full time job.

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5 thoughts on “6 times a day

  1. cris says:

    Very good job, Steve. Clear explanations of the whats and the whys. You have a lovely kitchen, too.

  2. kerri says:

    agree with cris 100%

    thanks for giving those of us who don’t neb an insight into the process.

  3. Sababby says:

    Do you always stand while you do them? I have been told it makes you take deeper breaths. Thanks so much for the video.

  4. Amy says:

    Not lame at ALL–great video, and so interesting to “see” you instead of read you!

    I’ve toyed with the idea of video myself. . .

    Also, I have a new appreciation for your preserverance after hearing your breathing in this.

  5. moonstone says:

    Thanks for posting this video Steve. Really opens my eyes as to all that you have to go through just in one day to keep breathing. Makes me even more in awe of what you accomplish in your life. You have a great attitude towards it all.

    moon 🙂

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