

Major fun

Check this out.. My good friend and fellow Dave Mc Govern alumnae and freelance writer extraordinaire, Anita ( aka Phatgirlwalking ) ,
is actually going to fly up to Portland , rent a Vespa scooter, and meet us at various points along the marathon course , where she’s gonna cheer us on and supply us with various edible delights !
Is that cool or what???I love this women!!! At last years marathon, she waited patiently for 8 and 3/4 hours until I FINALLY made it to the finish line. The area was basically deserted , but she clapped , shouted out my name , and carried on like the war had just ended.
I’ll never forget that as long as I live .

Gosh..I gotta get well, so I can do this race.

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5 thoughts on “A One -Women Cheering Section / Pit Crew

  1. Marshall says:

    Hey, that’s a great idea! A mobile cheering unit. Good luck and have fun.

    Did you know they’ve changed the course. Apparently it’s not well publicized but if you look around the website you can find a map. Make sure you check it out.

    Walk strong!

  2. Anita says:

    You knucklehead! Thanks for the tribute but I’m going to be riding a Vespa, sipping hot coffee, and cheering while YOU and the others are walking your feet off! Kudos to you Buddy-Boy!

    Hey Marshall, I’ve looked over the map and don’t see the difference from last year. . .I’ll give it another look over though. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Annette says:

    What a gal she must be! 🙂 In the meantime, get healthy! I hope all will be well. By the way, the forecast is looking cool and rainy for Portland. 🙁

  4. Pure Virtual Function says:

    WOW quite a pit crew! Very cool. I live 20 minutes from Portland and have a bunch of family here and I will be solo! =) Well… my wife is going to do a walk downtown that starts at 10… so we will be able to meet up after the marathon. Best of luck next week Steve. I am over my cold and good to go.

  5. runliarun says:

    You are one lucky man, can bring the end of war about all by yourself. Definitely, definitely have to get well.

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