A Canadian style lunch, complements of my friend Kerri from Winnipeg. She knows I’m a candy-holic and that I like UFO stuff too ( my cat Winston is from another galaxy)

We enjoyed our lunch very much. Thanks Epic Kerri for sending us all these goodies!!

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7 thoughts on “Canadian style lunch with a cat from outer space

  1. Danielle says:

    You guys and your candy antics!! Hmmmm maybe you'd enjoy some maple goodness from the Capital??

    1. kerri says:

      I LOVE candy!! I wish it were an acceptable food group.

      Mmm . . . maple . . .
      I wish I could wrap up some maple taffy from Festival du Voyageur and send it out. 😉

  2. Natasha says:

    Winston looks like he has the same wierd taste in food as my cat Rupert!

  3. kerri says:

    You're most welcome, Epic Steve!
    Enjoy it–as long as Winston doesn't get to it first!! 😉

  4. marsh says:

    that caaaaat chew is sooo cute but it makes me wheeze and sneeze just lookin at it . but i must say you look like you fceel pretty good after that long walk????? keep up the good work and i'll check in later!!! marsh

  5. Elisheva says:

    That's an awesome picture!

  6. Amy says:

    haha…Kerri made a card, too–I love it. I'm telling you guys, the candy/asthma conference idea is GOLD.

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