Don’t get me wrong! I’m not giving up racewalking……I like it too much. I’m just taking a temporary break.
Health permitting, I’m still planning on injecting some good ‘ol racewalking at the SF marathon 1/2 that I’m doing at the end of this month ( mainly because I want to see if can finish under 3 hrs .) Its not the the 13 milers that worry me……its the 26 !!!
I don’t want to take the chance of burning myself out during those longer distances. Miles 13 through 26 are totally uncharted waters for me and judging from the way my body reacts from even short RW intervals, its probably better not to racewalk any of those miles. Instead I’ve decided to plug away at a steady fitness walking pace of 14-15 for the entire marathon , if thats what it takes to finish the race.
After the Portland marathon, It’ll be business as usual.