One of the reasons I started a fitness walking program in the first place, was to loose some of the weight I had gained from the inactivity of being sick and from years of steroid use. The idea was simple… If I could loose a few pounds doing some relatively easy exercise, maybe I’d be able to breath a little better and therefore , feel better in general. Well, I did just that, I walked off almost 20 lbs and in the process, I became addicted to walking itself. Now, after 18 months of almost daily walks, including a few half-marathons and a dash of racewalking , my body is telling me that it’s time to cut back

No more torturing myself with those 40+ mile weeks, just to prove to everyone that a hardcore asthmatic can walk with the best of them. Been there, done that ! The daily wear ‘n tear on my body is just too much … I need longer, rest periods. My calves and shin muscles are sore all the time now and I’m having a lot more yellow breathing days.

Of course, I’ll still do the occasional “long” walk in preparing for marathon events, but other than that I’m going to focus primarily on economy walks. I want to concentrate more on my racewalking technique, especially the “driving” and “vaulting” phases (Dave Mc Govern) . I’m hoping that with improved efficiency , I will be able, to at least maintain my current level of fitness, while cutting back to 4-5 walks per week instead of 6-7.

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