Heading out for the evening walk.
A while back I wrote about some of the night walks we were doing . Well, my partner Douglas liked those night time walks so much , that about 3 weeks ago we started doing something similar on a nightly basis.

No, I’m not trying to turn Douglas into a marathon walker or anything like that. This was totally his idea…I just go along to keep him encouraged. Actually, we both enjoy these evening walks because it affords us time together, while at the same time doing something that’s healthy.

In contrast to my morning training walks, which are much more physically demanding, Id classify these evening walks as more of a casual, pleasurable stroll that we do for fun.The routes are much shorter (2 miles max) and closer to home. They’re also lot more scenic and involve a lot more hill climbing. And because we walk at a really slow pace, I can actually carry on a conversion.

With these evening strolls becoming a part of my regular walking schedule, I’m now putting in a total of 6 to 7 miles per day. That’s a lot of walking, but so far it hasn’t really impacted my breathing, and the extra couple miles are giving Douglas some much needed aerobic exercise in a way that he really seems to enjoy.

I know people lead hectic lives nowadays and don’t have much time for anything, but if they could pull themselves away from the TV for just one hour a day and take a leisurely walk instead, I think it would have a positive impact on their lives as well. Just a thought.

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6 thoughts on “Evening walks.

  1. kerri says:

    Gorgeous pictures! I love the first one of you and Douglas, and the last one is just wayyy too pretty.
    I need to get myself to that lovely city of yours, all your pictures are making it my next destination!

    1. We live in one of those towns that are real pretty at dusk. We finally found a way to get down to those train tracks, but Doug\’s too chicken to trespass. Next time you\’re in the area, you\’ll have to stop by 🙂

      1. kerri says:

        haha, i'll trespass! wouldn't be the first time [oops ;-)]
        And most certainly, I'll be letting you know whenever it is I'll get down there!

  2. danielle10 says:

    I was just thinking of asking you if you two had kept up your night walks. Glad to see you have! I agree that walking is the best way to spend time with someone 🙂

    1. breathinstephen says:

      Hi Danielle, We didn't actually start doing these evening walks regularly until just a few weeks ago. Before that, it was very sporadic.

  3. mymusicallungs says:

    I just think it's a brilliant thing to do-especially now the weather is perfect for evening walks-and it's great your schedules allow it too!
    J and I have done this so much in the past, and a little of it now if I can manage it-but we also do night drives, when he's home and has a night off (That rare thing!)

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