
I can’t believe it . Today I obtained the age of 55, and the official rank of “Senior Citizen”. I guess I should start acting my physical age huh? (That’s a scary thought).

In my wildest dreams I never thought Id be around this long, but 13 marathons and 500 blog posts later…I’m still walkin, bloggin and breathin. I owe a lot to my friends, my readers and my partner Douglas for supporting my crazy endeavorers over the years.

Because I’ve been more fortunate than most people with the severe form of this disease, I’ve decided to give back, by devoting more of my time in the coming months to asthma research and education. In November I’ll be lab-ratting myself for an important severe asthma research study in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (more about that in the next post). I’m also serving as an Asthma Community Administrator over at and have become an asthma and fitness health advocate for several other organizations.

On my personal fitness front, I’m finally back on track with my training for the upcoming San Jose Rock&Roll half marathon and will also be attending Daves advanced racewalking clinic next month.

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9 thoughts on “Im 20,089 days old !

  1. GayleMyrna says:

    Have a great birthday!!

  2. Danielle says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And good on ya for being a lab rat.


  3. Tammy says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  4. Mel says:

    Happy birthday, and kudos to you for paying it forward and giving back 🙂

  5. Joey says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Hey Kid –
    I think you're finally old enough to be in the Senior Olympics … but still not old enough to get free gym membership through the Silver Sneakers. So, one goal down … you've got another 10 years to keep the lungs working before the Silver Sneakers!
    Love Ya!!!!
    Mile High (lack of) Air! Lizzy

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