Hard to believe I wrote my first blog post and walked my first race 3 years ago this month. Who would’ve thunk Id still be writing this stuff. Heck, who woulda known I would go on to walk a marathon in Rome Italy.

My original intention for this blog was to chronicle this crazy plan I had of walking a half marathon and then call it quits. Well, here I am 3 years, 7 hospitalizations, 500 posts and several full marathons later… and I’m still walking , blogging, … and basically doing crazy s**t .

Just for fun, here’s a few incarnations of my blog header over the years.




Here’s some finish line photos.

(My first half marathon back in 2005)

2 years later at Portland

 My 4th marathon-- 2008 in Rome Italy

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

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4 thoughts on “I’m three years old today

  1. anita says:


    Of course the Portland finishing line photo is my favorite but then that’s probably because I know, as best anyone can living outside your skin, what it took for your toes to cross that line. What an honor, and no less than that, to have followed this blog and your pursuits, your challenges, and your victories. To call you “friend” just takes it to a whole other level. Keep on my man, keep on.

  2. Tammy says:

    Happy Walking Birthday!

    May you have MANY many more :)!

  3. Joey says:

    Happy Blogging Birthday!

    Hope I didn’t offend you with my comments on my blog…I’ll talk to my consultant about doing PF’s and seeing if they do make a difference in predicting my attacks etc, but I don’t think things will have changed.

  4. freadom1776 says:

    Happy belated birthday.

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