This weekend is filled with all kinds of racewalking events throughout the world.

Here are just a few of my friends who will be competing this Sunday.

Dave Mc Govern and Steve Pecinovsky will be competing for a slot in the 2008 Olympic trials at the 30K National Racewalking Championships in Hauppauge New York.

Allan of Racewalker55 fame, will be racewalking the Suwa Ko Half Marathon in Suwa, Nagano Prefecture, Japan .

Elite runner and racewalker, Hansi Rigney will be hosting her famous Megawalk 10K racewalking championships in Seaside California ( yours truly will be there helping out)

To everyone racing this weekend GOOD LUCK!!

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2 thoughts on “It’s a Racewalking Weekend.

  1. rick says:

    There are always the skinny, fast looking guys. I bet those guys look fast just standing around. Japan, now there’s a place I’d like to visit.

  2. runliarun says:

    I wish I could take a picture like that some day.

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