Im sure my neb dependent friends would agree, that with nebulizer treatments being notorious time killers, incorporating some organization and convenience into the mix makes life just a little easier. For me this means neb stations in strategic locations throughout my house and in my vehicles. I even have a stand-by unit just for travel. 4 of my 5 nebs are battery powered portables, which of course is important in case the power in the house goes out.

My main unit is a 110 volt plug in compressor that Ive had for almost 20 years. Remarkably it’s still going strong, despite me never having changed the intake filter (oops).
It’s located next to my computer nitch and it’s there for a reason. Nebbing is boring and it takes time, so being able to multi task or have a diversion at hand is very important. I can’t tell you how many blog or facebook posts Ive written while nebbing. In fact, the only time I’m on my main computer is when Im nebbing.


At my main station I have all the various accessories, such as PF and FEV1 meters and pulse oxs. In addition to a stock pile of medication in all the nebbing stations, I also have the all important receptacle for “empties and twist tabs”, which we all know have a tendency to wind up all over the place.

I only this station once a day around midnight, but this location is super important because it’s only 12 inches from my bed and spares me the need to get up, walk across the room and fumble in the dark for a treatment.


I always have inhalers with me, but on road trips longer than 6 hours they dont always dont cut it. So I have neb stations in my car and in my truck.

May sound like a crazy thing to blog about, but there are lots of us nebbies out there, and anything that we can do to make our lives less restricted by our treatment needs is worth mentioning.

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2 thoughts on “Nebbing Stations

  1. Kate Griffin says:

    Only it probably isn’t evening for you.
    I’ve just caught up with your more recent blogs. We had a few email exchanges some time ago. I’m in Yorkshire, England. Last time I contacted you I had part of my dx, Chronic thromboembolic disease, with a strongish possibility of Obliterative Bronchiolitis. I remember you saying that you hoped not as OB was a nasty one. It isn’t 100% certain as my pulmonologists (I hope you’re impressed with my American terminology) do not want to do an open lung biopsy. But it is looking so like it and there is no other explanation. I tried Pulmonary Rehab in the spring but I could not complete the course. My symptoms just got progressively worse and the most worrying was the chest pain. The physiotherapists who run the course were not happy for me to continue. It looks as though I do have pulmonary hypertension.
    Not surprising as Chronic Thromboembolic disease more often than not does cause PH. And intense exercise for PH patients needs to be very carefully monitored.
    But I do admire you with your stunning attitude and determination.
    All the best
    Kate xx

    1. Hi Kate, Sorry you’re having such a rough time with whatever medical condition you have. I agree with your doctors not to do an open lung biopsy, as they can cause a lot of complications. But, I would definitely follow up with your pulmonary hypertension. Sometimes they can estimate the PA pressures with a simple echo cardiogram. There are medications they can give to lower the pressure.

      Do you have to use oxygen?

      Im actually scheduled for pulm rehab classes myself. Im going to skip the treadmill and aerobic exercises, and concentrate more on upper body strengthening.

      Hang in there and keep me posted!

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