…………..As in my 94th hospital admission for asthma.

I had been feeling really crumby most of that weekend prior. My dyspnea was increasing and my peak flows were gradually trending downward. By Sunday evening, it was pretty evident that this flare-up was getting worse, not better. I bolused myself with 60mg prednisone and decided I would try to tough it out another 24 hours in order to give the steroids a chance to kick in.

On Monday morning, I woke up lethargic and more breathless than the night before. My peak flows were now below 200 (my red-zone) and the neb treatments weren’t helping anymore. By early that afternoon I was starting to get really uncomfortable and fidgety ( this is usually a sure sign that my CO2 is rising), so I decided to call it a day and headed to the hospital. At 2 pm my partner dropped me off in front of UCSF Emergency room. The next time I saw him, was 24 hours later after waking up on a ventilator.

We’ll start the gore fest with a little footage I took with my phone while I was in the ER. My Hannibal Lecter look (as Dave McGovern, my racewalking coach, so kindly puts it). It’s actually called Bipap, which is basically a machine that pushes air into your lungs and then holds that pressure in your airways through out the breathing cycle. The Bipap wasn’t cutting it though, and 8 hours later I ended up on a Ventilator.


Rewind to Monday afternoon: I high tail it to the UCSF Emergency (my home away from home) where they proceed to give me the usual continuous Albuterol nebs at 20 mg/hr along with Bipap set at 10/5. While there I received additional IV steroids, Mag Sulfate and a host of other asthma remedies. The first ABG results came back marginal , with subsequent gases getting gradually worse.My oxygen saturation was OK , but my CO2 was starting to climb. After a 6 hour stint in the ER, I was assessed by the ICU medical team and immediately transferred to the new 13th floor medical ICU , where they continued me on the Bipap, this time adding Heliox. They attempted multiple times to insert an arterial line in my wrists , but were unsuccessful. For the time being they would monitor my respiratory status using other means.

Over the next few hours, I was asked repeatedly by the doctors, if I thought I was tiring out ( something they always ask ), and each time I would respond to the negative, telling them, that at least for the time being, I felt like I was holding my own and did not want to be intubated. 6 hours later, despite being on continuous albuterol and bipap support, I was starting to poop out and finally caved in to their request. I was intubated at 2:30 am Tuesday morning.

The next thing I remember ( which turned out to be 14 hours later), was waking up with a tube shoved down my throat, gasping for air!
I have never experienced that degree of suffocation in my life. I was attached to the ventilator,yet..I couldn’t breath. I’ve been intubated and ventilated many times for severe asthma, but usually they keep me asleep for a couple days until the attack subsides. This was the first time I’ve actually woken up on the ventilator during the peak of an attack. For the first time in a long time, I thought I was actually going to die. I remember hearing them saying ” you need to relax” ..and I can remember thinking..” you guys are going to kill me” … ” I can’t breath” . I thought something was wrong with the ventilator, but it turns out that it was my lungs that were all messed up.

My response to treatment, thus far, seemed to be making a lot of the doctors nervous. There was pandemonium in the room with doctors rushing in and out and nurses trying frantically to calm me down so that I wouldn’t self extubate. They finally gave a me a pen and paper on a clipboard to communicate with. I kept writing..” I can’t breath” . On more than one occasion, the feeling of suffocation got so bad ,that I had to disconnect myself from the ventilator just to get a breath of fresh air. Of course, all the alarms went off and RT got really upset with me.

The secretions in my lungs weren’t making things any better. All the junk that had accumulated in my chest was making it even more difficult to breath. You could hear me gurgling every time I took a breath. Being an RT, I knew how to self-suction. You should have seen the look on their faces when I started to suction myself.! I(and they) were suctioning gobs and gobs of the grossest phlegm you can imagine. Dark reddish brown color with the consistency of jello instant pudding.

Anyway, this nightmare of falling asleep and then waking up in a sitting position to find myself drowning in secretions, seemed to go on forever. Every time I got to the brink of wanting to rip the tube out of my throat, they would sedate me with Verced, and the cycle would start all over again. I would be out for an hour, and then I would wake up suffocating again. It was like the worse nightmare you could imagine. It was like hurdling down a long dark tunnel, and then suddenly, I would burst into conscientiousness , waking up with a huge GASP. I was so miserable, I just wanted to die.

While all this was going on, I also experienced an episode of temporary blindness. Every time I would open my eyes, all I could see was a bright blinding light. I could make out silhouettes, but I couldn’t see people faces. It was really weird. They got worried about this new development and immediately called in an eye doctor to check me out. He couldn’t find anything obvious on his exam. He said it might have had something to do with pressure on the optic nerve. Thankfully the problem subsided and my eyesight came back.

So why on earth was I not sedated and kept asleep to begin with? Well, it turns out that I may have had a rare , but potentially serious reaction to the drug that they normally use to keep intubated patients asleep. The drug is called Propofol and it’s probably the #1 mostly used anesthetic in the world. It’s a wonderful drug, because you can basically turn on or off someone’s conscienceness like you’re turning on a light switch. It works super fast. It’s routinely used to keep intubated patients asleep, so that they don’t fight the ventilator like I was. When you want them to wake up, you simply stop the infusion. You wake up instantly. Works great when you want to wean someone off a ventilator. Though Ive been on this drug many times over the years, for some reason, my body wasn’t liking it this time and I began developing a lactic acidosis ( where your blood gets really acidic due to muscle breakdown.) My CKs and lactate levels were also getting really high. After ruling everything else out ( including too much albuterol , which can cause a similar problem), they concluded that it must had been the Propofol and immediately stopped the infusion. As an alternative ,they had to use a drug called Verced to sedate me. A nice drug for relaxing you , but not really designed to keep someone under for long periods.

Here are a few pics my partner took of me gorked out on the vent. There’s a good shot of the ventilator settings for you RTs out there. ( One of my ex co-worker/ RT friends, saw the pics on Facebook and noticed that the vent was in the weaning mode)

 Me on VentilatorVent 3vent 2

Finally after 2 days of pure hell, they decided that it was probably better to take me off the ventilator and let me breath on my own, rather than risk me blowing out a lung because of all the fighting I was doing on the ventilator. ( I’m just guessing that’s what they were thinking..I don’t know for sure).

Day 4, I’m now off the ventilator breathing pretty well and my blood gases have returned to normal. As the day progresses I start to get this strong urge to use the bathroom. I already had a catheter in me to handle number 1, but now, I had to go number two! After not going for 4 days I guess it was no big surprise that I would eventually have to go, but I wasn’t prepared for for what was about to happen.
Unfortunately, UCSFs new 13th floor ICU doesn’t have toilets in the patient rooms, so for the first time in more than 20 years I had to use a bedpan! But, if that wasn’t bad enough, I had the worse case of diarrhea and cramps you can imagine. I don’t think it bothered the Nurses, but it sure bothered me. I was hating life! For the next 2 1/2 days, my lower gut was in knots and the nausea and cramps that followed were unrelenting. They eventually set me up with a bedside commode ( basically a toilet on wheels), but with all the wires and tubes that were attached to my body, it took at 2 nurses and a physical therapist to get me from the bed to the commode. And guess what? Someone has to empty the commode. How embarrassing. On that first day , I went 5 times, on the 2nd day , 4 times ! ( You have to remember, I hadn’t eaten anything in the previous 5 days, so where this was all coming from I don’t know). Apparently , on top of all the other drug reactions, I was now having a reaction to all the antibiotics and all the other drugs they were pumping into me. To be on the safe side, they decided to put me in isolation for C-diff precautions.

By Friday afternoon the stomach cramps were diminishing in intensity and my breathing was much better, so they transferred me out of the unit to a private room ( thanks to my isolation order) in the step-down unit ….with a private toilet…YEAHH . My C-Diff test eventually came back negative.

Things were looking up. The only problem I had to address before going home , were my swollen ankles and my oxygenation level. Because I had no IV access in my arms, earlier in my stay they had to place multiple IVs in my feet. Normally this wouldn’t have been a big deal, (Ive had IVs in my feet before) , but this time because of all the fluids I received, somehow the vein in my foot must have blown , so some of the fluids that were supposed to go in my veins actually ended up in the tissue surrounding my right ankle. As a result , this caused my foot to arch downward ( what they call foot drop).
When I was finally strong enough to get out of bed, just standing up was painful because it forced my feet to flex back to the normal position. For the next 2 days, I did multiple short walks , and when I was in bed, I propped my feet up with pillows and iced my ankles which really helped a lot.

The very last challenge I had to meet before being discharged home, was being able to walk without desaturating. On my first attempt at walking down the hallway, my sat went from 95 to 79% in 2 minutes. After doing several more walks I was only desating down to 85%, but this was not acceptable to them. After a lot of coaxing and a threat of not being discharged, I agreed to go home on Oxygen until I got better. On Sunday afternoon at 2pm, almost 7 days to the minute, my 94th sentence was commuted and I was released on good behavior.

96 hours later, I looked like this! In total, I found 36 holes in my arms legs and neck.

This was a tough one, but I’m thankful that I got through it, more or less in tack. I have a lot of hard times ahead of me,because the hardest part of this exacerbation actually begins now. For the next two weeks I’ll be fighting off the prednisone withdrawal symptoms and trying to regain some of my strength. Months of fitness conditioning and endurance building were wiped out in just a single week in the hospital. Then again…. all that conditioning is probably the reason I’m still around to blog about it.

I’d like to thank the following people for putting up with my shit (literally) and for treating me like a human being instead of a medical oddity;
Dr. Erika Moseson, Dr. Daniels, and all the other interns and residents who helped save my life…..again.
Also to ICU nurse James, and TCU Nurse Jen O.

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12 thoughts on “Number 94….a Bad One

  1. Danielle says:

    Hey Steve, I’m really sorry to hear this. I’ll be thinking of you in the tough weeks ahead.


  2. Kerri says:

    Welcome home, Steve!

    I’m sorry to hear about how rough that hospital stay was, and I’ll be praying for you in the weeks ahead.


  3. gaylemyrna says:

    Hi Steve:
    Sorry you had to go through such an intense ordeal, but glad you are back on the mend. Keep on keeping on!

  4. anita says:

    Good Grief Steve! What a crappy nightmare that all must have been, both for you and for your partner! I’m so glad you’re on the mend and hope recovery comes quick and complete for you. Wow…what a report that was! It was so descriptive it was if I was there…not such a great thing FYI. 🙂

  5. Good Gravy Steve!!! I grew up listening to kidney hemodialysis (can’t spell the word) over the dinner table … this just took the cake. Ok – you now know we all love you so no more hosiboo!!!! The hardest part for you, of course, is that you ARE a RT — so you know it from both sides. In a sense, it makes you a better RT counselor or something like that.

    I’m soooo glad you’re OUTTA THERE!!!

    Hugs and Love 😉

    PS: BEDPANS … IEWY!!!! YUKKO!!!! Just plain WRONG … However, I now know the next present for you … 😉

  6. Fran says:

    Hey Steve,

    Wow, seems like quite the ordeal. Glad you’re seemingly okay now. “Putting up with your sh?t.” (hehe)

  7. Tammy says:

    Hey, Steve… so glad you are outta there. Sounded AWFUL. Hope your recovery moves faster than you expect so you can get back to RW in no time. Thanks for sharing your ordeal with us so we can better understand.

  8. Joey says:

    Hey Steve,
    Sorry to hear you’ve done another stint in prison…sucks, and your experience doesn’t sound like it was a good one, but the bright side is your home now. How much are you using the oxygen at home? Or have you come off it totally? I have it myself and used to be on it 24/7, but as time has gone by, my lungs have reaquatined themselves with getting their own oxygen rather than having it pumped into them so I use it only when I have bad attacks or am feeling overly breathless to help me get through attacks and such.

    Hope you’re starting to feel better

  9. Diane says:

    Wow… I’m glad you survived this one. As breathless as I’ve gotten, I’ve never had that suffication feeling you described. Not that strong. I’ve turned down the Ativan and always tried to maintain. I’m not sure I could have come through a challenge like that as well as you did.

    My husband half jokes that maybe we should have O2 around the house, but like you, I secretly despise the thought.

    I hope you feel better soon…

  10. Stephen says:

    Hi Asthma Girl. Long time, no see. Thanks for the nice comments.
    Hope you’re lungs are behaving.

  11. Erika Moseson says:

    Hey Breathin' Stephen! Glad you've been in the green zone!

    1. Stephen says:

      Dr Moseson? How goes it? Are you still at UCSF? I haven’t been to prison in almost 5 months, can you believe it?

      Thanks for taking care of me ! Hope not to see you soon…lol

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