Actually, Winston is just one of our little turkeys, but he seems to get most of the attention. We have another white silver tabby persian and a short haired black cat. I know what you’re thinking…You have bad asthma and you have 3 cats?
Believe it or not, I’m not allergic to cat fur or cat dander. Weird huh.
I have two kitties and like you am not affected by their fur or dander…I have Miss Penne who is five and have had her since she was 8 weeks old:
And Miss Spaghetti (called Hetti) who is 18 months and have had her since she was born because I also had another cat called Minx who died six months ago and she had Spaghetti and her three brothers in my tumble dryer on May 25th 2007 while I was in hospital!
Joeys last blog post..Good Day
Adorable cat!!
You can see my little cutie “Sunshine” in two videos at my youtube site:
And, like you I have tested NOT allergic to kitties (in fact virtually no allergy component to my persistent chronic asthma).