Im continually blown away on how much it’s costs to treat a severe exacerbation here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Granted, we have some of the best hospitals and medical care anywhere in the world here, but it certainly doesn’t come cheap.

2019 was an exceptionally expensive year. For starters, how about $600,000.00 for a single 9-day hospital stay? That’s gotta be record, even for me. I also had 4 other hospitalizations for asthma, one triggered by a reaction to the Shingles vaccine. . Those hospital stays ranged from $150-400K each.

Then there’s the surgical bills to treat my Glottic Stenosis, those were a bargain at only $70,000 a pop. (I had four of those surgeries this year).
You’ll notice I use the word “treat”, as there is no fix or cure for either of these conditions. More than likely, I will need periodic dilation of my vocal cords for as long as I live. As far as my lung issues, it’s pretty much a given that I will continue to bounce in and out of hospitals, though hopefully not as frequently. Either way, my medical bills will be crazy high for the foreseeable future and beyond. Thank goodness for Medicare and supplemental medical insurance.

If you think these bills are high, check out the most recent ones here .

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2 thoughts on “That’s one expensive asthma attack

  1. Luke says:

    15 grand for a ct scan?. I think I paid 80 dollars for my last one. I’m in Australia though so healthcare is pretty cheap and often free.

    1. Yeah, it crazy expensive here.

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