Spent an exciting and memorable, but very exhausting, 3 days in LA with my sister and her family. I wish I could tell you all about it, but unfortunately I’m bound by a confidentiality agreement not to discuss any of the details of what transpired inside the Sony Pictures Studio Lot until the actual episode is broadcast (which is now slated for Feb 18th on NBC, I will say one thing about showbiz though, there sure is a lot of hurry up and waiting that goes on . If I get permission, I’ll post some of the pictures I took while we were there.
Because the studio had us on a very tight leash all weekend, and because I wasn’t familiar with the area , I wasn’t able to get in a single long walk as I had hoped. I did manage however , to squeak in a few racewalking miles with my sister every morning, in of all places….a nearby cemetery! (You can imagine the stares we got by the visitors.) It wasn’t a great workout, but at least it got us out in the fresh air after being couped up so much at the studio.
This coming weekend is my scheduled 18 miler , which I’m dreading . Firstly because my right hamstring is still bothering me, and secondly, because these extra long training walks always effect my lungs a couple day out. Oh well, such is the life of a celebrity ! ( yeah right)