…to quote my favorite music artist.
With less than seven weeks left until the San Francisco Marathon, I definitely need to get that feeling again. I don’t have quite the enthusiasm for marathon season as I did this time last year, but then again, this will be the fourth one I’ve done since then. I’ve been so caught up in this racewalking thing that I’ve kinda lost sight of the bigger picture….Which for me, is to walk far and fast—-(but not necessarily ultra fast.) and to cross an actual finish line. To be a Marathon Finisher
No more procrastinating ! I need to get out there pronto… And put in some serious mileage and not worry so much about my racewalking technique. I need to feel that feeling that you can only get after running or briskly walking a nice 10 or 12 miler. If I can do that , then I’m confident that I’ll ” get that feeling again”.
Starting tomorrow, since I’m in the green ( knock on wood) , I’m going to do 4 weekly LSDs in reverse order —-11 miles-8 miles . I know it sounds weird to go backwards, but I have to do these longer distances while I’m still in the green .My lungs are so unpredictable ..got to go for it while I can . Its close enough to race that it should be problem.
Hopefully , 6 weeks of accelerate training will be enough to get me across that finish line for the 4th time , which in turn will get me excited about walking my first FULL marathon later this year.