16 years ago I created this blog to share my observations and experiences in coping with severe and debilitating asthma, as well as the challenges of trying to stay physically fit when you have a hard time breathing. For me this includes exercising in the form good old fashion walking….and lots of it. I’m heavily involved in Asthma/COPD advocacy, outreach and education. Im also a medical research subject for on-going asthma related studies,including SARP. I’m brutally honest when it comes to writing about my disease. I don’t hold back or embellish anything. What you see and read here is happening to a real person.
Writing about this crazy journey has been therapeutic as well, it helps me cope with the burden of this life altering disease. I put my stuff out there for others to find, and in a manner that’s a little easier to grasp then typical medical journals and commentary. With hundreds of millions of asthmatics on the planet, Im certainly not the only one struggling with it. I hope my personal stories and the information I provide here will reach people who find it useful or informative in someway.
I exercise and keep as active as I can because it makes me feel good about myself, but mostly I do it to stay alive! It’s a proven fact that keeping in good physical shape is crucial for people with all forms and stages of chronic lung disease. I suppose in my case I’ve taken it to the extreme, but If I can do it, anyone can. Exercise won’t cure your asthma or other lung disease, but it can certainly help you live a better and perhaps longer life.
I’m not my disease, I’m simply a person living with one. Aside from my health issues, Im pretty much like anyone else. I have lots of interests and hobbies, including playing the bass, traveling whenever Im able, and educating others about this awful disease.
Thanks for reading my stuff.